4 July 2012 – The visa liberalization with the EU has resulted in arbitrary border controls and travel bans in the countries of the so-called Western Balkans. This is the result of a comparative survey on the measures which have been taken by countries of the region in reaction to EU pressures over an increase in the number of asylum seekers from these countries. Roma, who have been brandmarked as the archetype of bogus asylum seekers, have been the main victims of these measures.
author of this survey, Chachipe,
a Roma rights NGO based in Luxembourg, has analysed the
measures which have been put in place by Serbia, Macedonia
and other countries of the region, which have been granted a
liberalisation of their visa regime with the EU, in order to
evade pressures over an eventual reintroduction of visa
requirements. They consist in a strengthening of border
controls, the revocation or annihilation of travel documents
and other forms of punishment.
The NGO found that these measures are most advanced
in Macedonia which has recently adopted a law enabling the
temporary seizure of the passports of failed asylum seekers.
However, similar measures have also been envisaged in Serbia
and other countries. Several thousand citizens of these
countries, primarily Roma and members, have been arbitrarily
deprived of their right to travel on the basis of the mere
suspicion that they could be “false asylum seekers”.
In its report, Chachipe highlights
the interplay between EU pressures and domestic reactions.
The NGO shows how the process of visa liberalisation has
already involved considerable changes of legislation
including the practice of exit controls, which are today
used in order to prevent these countries’ citizens from
departing. Pointing out the similarity between the measures
taken, the NGO questions the role of the EU, which goes well
beyond that of a mere advisor and warner.
documents that the multiple vague announcements concerning
“negative consequences” and the requests made by several
countries including Serbia and Macedonia to EU member states
to communicate the names and identity of the asylum seekers
has contributed to nurture fears amongst the asylum seekers
and the Roma population in general. Moreover, the public
information campaigns have also contributed to foment the
vision that Roma are responsible for the threats over the
visa liberalization.
The report is the outcome of an extensive campaign
during which Chachipe together with other
NGOs has raised concerns over human rights violations which
result from the measures taken in the context of the visa
liberalization. In its report, the NGO points out that
measures such as arbitrary travel bans and the revocation of
passports have already been probed beforehand, in the
context of the visa liberalization with Romania.
Taking stock of the so-called Prague airport case,
during which Czech Roma were selectively prevented from
boarding airplanes to the UK, Chachipe
argues that border checks based on ethnic profiling are a
blatant infringement of fundamental human rights principles.
The NGO calls on the EU not to ask the countries to go
against these principles for the sole purpose that the EU
does not want to confront the poverty and despair of their
Roma population.
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